I challenge you to put a timer by your desk (or on your phone). Record exactly how much time you spend on Facebook every day. You spend more time on there than you think. I won't say to minimize the time on Facebook and devote it to other activities (unless you are neglecting your responsibilities). I will say maximize the time you spend on Facebook by promoting your brand, your opportunity, and your product.
Say goodbye to inviting your friends and family to home parties. Say hello toFacebook marketing.
Groups are a phenomenal way to get your information out to the public. Facebook groups are categorized in several ways.
- Public groups - anyone can join or add people...and what you post here will go to your public feed.
- Private groups - you apply to join a private group. When the request is approved, you are a member of the group. Sometimes you can add people to the group without being an Admin. Sometimes you can add people, but it must be approved by the Admin. Anything you post in a private group stays in the group. That means what you post does not show up in your feed.
- Secret groups - only members or Admins of a secret group can add people. You can't find these groups when you search for them. Clearly anything you post doesn't go to your feed.
The first thing to do is join groups. Start this process by using the search bar at the top. I started by using terms like:
- Work from home
- Work at home
- Business opportunities
- Indie writers (I am a writer as if you didn't know)
Make sure that the search performed targets your goal.
Once you are in the group, read a couple of posts and read any rules associated with the group. In other words, familiarize yourself with the group and what is or isn't allowed. If you are on a computer and not mobile, look at the right side of your page while inside of a group. You will see suggestions for other groups.
Promote yourself, your opportunity, or your product. Don't use hype. Use honesty. Don't spam. You can get kicked out of groups for that unless it is stated in the rules that multiple postings of the same ad daily are okay. If it is a group for moms looking to work from home, then target that audience with a proper ad. If it is a group to promote writing, only promote your writing. If you have questions, ask the Admin of the group.
Create your own group. Add only people who are interested. If groups you joined allow advertising, go into that group and advertise your group. My group that I own on Facebook is Business Success Secrets by Robin Bull. I don't spam people. I post articles and helpful information. When you give, people see you in a different light and will be more willing to consider your opportunity.

Fan Pages
A fan page is another great way to bring you, your product, or your opportunity to the timelines of people. The great thing about Facebook is that there is no limit to pages you can own. I have several. I have one as a writer (facebook.com/TheRobinBull), one as a paralegal (facebook.com/BullAssociates), and I work on behalf of others to promote their pages.
If you go to my pages you may notice that I don't have a lot of fans. People will tell you that you need a large number of fans to get yourself out there. That's just not true. I have learned from personal social media networking experience that Facebook is more apt to allow a small page to show its post to close to all its fans versus a larger page...unless the pages want to pay for advertising.
Many weeks my reach spans more than 1000% of my actual fan base. It's not that hard to do.
- First - you need to realize that people want to buy...they do NOT want to be sold. People look for information...information that is provided by nice people that they like. They are not looking for pressure.
- Next - you must interact with the fans you have. The more people comment, like, and share the more your page is viewed. When people like or comment on something from your page, it shows up in their feed. Make sure and share your fan page update with your page and put it to public even if you run a private personal account.
- Offer something of value. Remember that value is different for each person. Value can include amusement. Don't be afraid to show your personality.
- If you are bent on gaining more likes, you can join groups that offer like swaps or join business ladders on other pages. If you do those things, play fair. If someone likes your page, be honest enough to like theirs as well.
Your Personal Profile
Once you join groups, you will get friend requests. It's up to you whether or not you want to accept those requests. I turned on following to my private Facebook page. Any request I decline becomes a follower. Then, they can see my public posts (that I share from my fan pages).I do not post ads for my business opportunity on my private page. You may wonder why. I certainly don't think we should count out any friends or family that may be interested in what we are offering, but they can see the ads I post to public groups because they feed to the timeline. I do not want to be seen as someone only looking to make money off of other people.I want to help other people. I want to help people who are interested. I'd rather have a team of ten qualified people than 100 people who just signed up hoping to get rich. Those 100 will eventually drop leaving me with zero.On my personal page I share my hubs and other articles that I believe are of benefit to my friends and family. People work with people they like and that they can tell want to help...and not just sell them.Summary
The main goal of advertising anything on Facebook is to make money...basically - gain sales, right? People don't know about you, your website, your product, or your opportunity if you don't tell them about it. Facebook groups and pages are a great way to point people to your site. Don't forget to view your stats from time to time to see how many clicks you get from Facebook to your page. Don't be afraid to change things. Marketing is about the wants and needs of others.
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